This area lies to the northeast of The Tea-house and is bordered to the north by the Bangsbo River and to the east by the small stream that runs across The Park. The first rhododendrons were planted her when the layout of the garden began in 1990. Actually, before that, there were rhododendrons growing for many years in a circular bed just where the park’s central path was to be re-established and, since these plants were healthy, it was decided to buy some peat and re-plant them under the large lime trees to the east of The Tea-house. They thrived so well that there seemed to be good reason to develop this area with more individuals of the same genus.
These other plants were carefully selected by people wishing to help the establishment of Bangsbo Botanic Garden by providing a collection of beautiful rhododendrons. Orla Pedersen from Hedensted donated most of the new plants; Jørgen Corfitzen from Sorø supplied many of the uncommon; “Little Bangsbo” provided the largest and members of The Friends of the Garden also contributed to the collection.
Species and varieties of Primula and Geranium were planted between the bushes to give a natural impression to the new woodland plantings. Other interesting plants were planted at that time, and it is worth naming American blueberry, magnolia, pieris, Japanese maple, and Arisaema. As well as these, many white-flowered, wood anemones (Anemone nemorosa) grow naturally here. Nearby stands The Tea-house, a renovated garden pavilion, wherein Holger Drachmann’s daughter passed the time drawing. There is some garden furniture in The Tea-house where one may sit and enjoy a picnic, while appreciating the scent of Rhododendron luteum, also known as yellow azalea.
The Park
The Park consists of those parts of Bangsbo Botanic Garden – old and new – immediately surrounding the old estate-house. Information-boards describe in three languages, some of the interesting features of each area.